Saturday, 22 May 2021

Recruitment of various post in GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE JAMMU


Time & Place:


Committee Room Govt. Medical College, Jarnmu at 11 AM

The eligible candidates are advised to bring the self attested copies of the following

documents alongwith originals on the date of interview.

1. MBBS Degree

2. Distinction /Honour /MedaUAcademic Merit Certificate , if any,

3. Post -Graduate Degree/Diploma Certificate.

4, House Job experience in any teaching institution.

5. Experience certificate

Terms and conditions:-

a) The candidate shorrld he permanent resident/ Domicile of J&K.

b) The eligibility conditions and the qualifications for filling up of these posts on contractual

basis shall be the sarne as prescribed for these posts in the relevant recruitment rules.

c) These appointments shall not entitle the appointee to any preferential claim for

regutarization/ reguiar appointment under normal process of selection/appointment.

d) The selection Committee reseryes the right not to fill up any post in case Administrative

exigency so demands.

e) Conditions of Service in the matter of discipline and conduct of appointee shall be

governed by the Rules, regulations and orders in-vogue under the J&K Civil Services

Rules. !'

f) The contractuat appointment shall be terminable on one month's notice from either side

or on payment of one month's salary in lieu of notice by the appointing authority;

provided that the appointment of the contracting party shall be terminable without

notice by the appointing authority whenever the post is filled up on regular basis by it

i)\T'EDi.Itt/lENT I'ENrcAL COLLEG E JAMMUand in that case the contracting partyGovern ment/a ppoi nti ng a uthority.

shall shave no claim against the

Applicant found having made any incorrect or false statement, suppressing material information shall render himself/ herself liable for criminal proceedings.

All the contractual appointee, shall be paid fult salary corresponding to the Minimum the of Pay scale including alt allowances as long as they remain in the services and actually perform their duties.

The application of any Medicat Officers working in any other Medical College in the state shall be accepted only on production of No objection certificate from the concerned

Head of the institutiqn.

The eligible candidates shall have to appear before the setection Committee s h constituted vide order No. 398-JK(HME) of zozL dated: 1g-05-2021 unde-r the

chairmanship of Principal, Govt. Medical college, Jammu s.