Sunday, 9 May 2021

Recruitment of various post in National Institute of Traditional Medicine


1.   Contract Scientific Support - I

Essential   Qualification:  1st   class   Master’s   Degree   in   Life   Sciences   (Microbiology,   Biotechnology, Biochemistry and equivalent) from a recognized university with two years of work experience.


2nd Class Postgraduate Degree in above subjects with Ph.D. in relevant subject.

Desirable Qualification: Ph.D in relevant subject with experience in molecular diagnostics with RT-PCR, preferably  with  COVID-19  RT  PCR diagnostic  testing. Preference  will be given to candidates  with prior experience in setting up and/or managing COVID-19/Molecular Diagnostic testing lab.

Primary job responsibilities:

   To independently conduct and mange end to end COVID-19 RT-PCR testing of samples.

   Anticipate consumption/need of laboratory consumables, communicate with Lab-In-Charge and Nodal officer, including accurate reporting of RT-PCR results after analysis.

   Plan   and   coordinate   with   the   technical,   supporting   and   administrative   staff   for   optimum

utilization/testing performance of the lab, consumables and staff.

   Report to Lab-in-charge and Nodal officer.

   Lab has to run in three shifts, hence work may involve night shift or early morning shits.

   SOP writing/updation as applicable for the testing process, kits supplied etc..

   Ensuring Biosafety precautions in the COVID-19 lab.

   Training technical and supporting staff to perform the duties assigned.

   Any other tasks assigned by Lab-In-Charge, Nodal Officer or the Director in addition to the primary responsibilities. 

2.   Contract Information Technology Support

Essential  Qualification: Intermediate OR 12th  pass. A speed test of not less than 15000 key depressions per hour through speed test on computer.

Desirable Qualification: Graduate/Diploma holder, experience with using Word, Excel, Python, Database, Web portals, maintaining data and data entry. Expertise in IT network and having Computer knowledge. Preference will be given to candidates who have data management and/or programming experience.

Primary job responsibilities: 

   Data management of the COVID-19 samples right from receipt of line list to Data entry, summarization and   log   keeping.   Informing   the   officers   involved   of   the   status   and   summary.   Lab  Record keeping/maintain data/logs

   To provide IT support and maintenance, inventory, and other work as assigned by officer in charge.

   Coordinate   with   Scientists,   Technical   officers   and   supporting   staff   involved   for   necessary information/IT support.

   Receive information on consumables and update the same into data/web portals

   Plan and coordinate with the technical, supporting, and administrative staff for timely provision of required sample information, data entry and report submission.

   Report to Lab-in-charge and Nodal officer.

   Lab has to run in three shifts, hence work may involve night shift or early morning shifts.

   Any other tasks assigned by Lab-In-Charge, Nodal Officer or the Director in addition to the primary responsibilities.

3.   Contract  Administrative Support – I

Essential  Qualification: Intermediate OR 12th pass.   Typing Speed of 35 W.P.M in English or 10500

KDPH in English.

Desirable Qualification: Graduate/Diploma holder, experience with using Word, Excel, Database, Webportals, maintaining data and data entry. Expertise in office administration,  secretarial practice and having  Computer  knowledge.  Preference  will  be  given  to  candidates  who  have  prior  experience  of performing similar work before.

Primary job responsibilities: 

   Secretarial  assistance  to  COVID-19  lab,  typing  correspondences  from  the  lab,  preparing  drafts, inventory requests, filing and maintaining records related to COVID-19 testing lab, following up with respective offices for response/updates, performing data entry, inventory management and other work as assigned by officer in charge.

   Coordinate with Officers, Scientists, Technical  officers and supporting staff involved for necessary

information/administrative support.

   Receive information on consumables and update the same into data/web portals

   Report to Lab-in-charge and Nodal officer.

   Lab has to run in three shifts, hence work may involve night shift or early morning shits.

   Any other tasks assigned by Lab-In-Charge, Nodal Officer or the Director in addition to the primary responsibilities. 

4.   Contract Administrative Support – IV

Essential  Qualification: High School (SSC / 10th ) or equivalent.

Desirable  Qualification: Graduate/Diploma  holder,  preferably  in  science  background.  Experience  of working  in  BSL-2  or  equivalent  lab  for  molecular  diagnostics.  Attitude  to  learn,  capable  to  read, understand and follow instructions in English.

Primary job responsibilities: 

   Assisting Technical and Scientific staff in performing the COVID-19 RT-PCR testing.

   Follow biosafety precautions including cleaning of the equipment and lab.

   Coordinate with Officers, Scientists, Technical officers and supporting staff involved for necessary laboratory support.

   Prepare  indent  and  put  up  for  approvals,  receive  materials,  stock  keeping,  record  keeping  of  the

inventory used/indented.

   Report to Lab-in-charge and Nodal officer.

   Lab has to run in three shifts, hence work may involve night shift or early morning shits.

   Any other tasks assigned by Lab-In-Charge, Nodal Officer or the Director in addition to the primary responsibilities.

Interested eligible candidates may Walk-in for Interview  / personal discussion at ICMR – National Institute of Traditional Medicine, Nehru Nagar, Belagavi – 590010 as per the schedule given below, along with their Bio- data, self-attested photocopies and original of documents and supporting educational qualifications and desired experience for verification.

Candidates unable to come to ICMR-NITM, Belagavi for Walk-in-Interview/  personal discussion, they can send duly filled application  affixing recent  passport  size photograph  along with self-attested  copies of all relevant certificates should be sent to ICMR-NITM, Belagavi before 10.00 AM of 10.05.2021 by email ( Late received applications will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be called for online Interview and video conference link will be shared. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Bad connection/ connection failure from any side will not be the responsibility of ICMR-NITM, Belagavi.

Note: Online applications will not be accepted for the posts Sl. No. 2 - Contract Information Technology Support and Sl. No.3 - Contract Administrative Support – I

Schedule for Walk-in for Interview/ personal discussion:

1.   Contract Scientific Support - I                              :    11.05.2021 – 09.30 A.M.

2.   Contract Information Technology Support          :    11.05.2021  –  09.30 A.M.

3.   Contract Administrative Support – I                    :    11.05.2021  –  09.30 A.M.

4.   Contract Administrative Support – IV                  :    11.05.202 1 –  02.00 P.M. 

Terms and Conditions:

1)   Candidate  will  be  allowed  for  the  personal  interview  after  screening  of  eligibility  and  document verification.

2)   Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates will be as per the government rules.

3)   Qualification/degree should be from a reputed Institution/University.

4)   Mere fulfilling the essential qualification/experience does not guarantee for selection.

5)   Candidates,  who  will  be  interviewed  online,  if  they  are  selected,  will  have  to  produce  original documents of their Qualification, Age & Experience before joining. If they are not found entitled, their selection will be cancelled immediately.

6)   Departmental candidates or candidates working/have worked on projects of ICMR Institutes/Centre's

shall be given age relaxation to a maximum of five (5) years or a completed months/year based on earlier project service, whichever is less, they meet the essential qualification prescribed for the post, with a view to provide them opportunity to compete with other candidates.

7)   Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.

8)   No TA/DA will he paid either for attending the interview or joining the post.

9)   Applicants of Contract Information Technology Support and Contract Administrative Support - I have to attend for Typing test at the Institute.

10) The above said posts are Contractual for the duration offered. The appointment may be renewed after every specific period of time subject to satisfactory performance and requirement.

11) The Director, ICMR-NITM reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts or cancel the recruitment or re-advertise the posts, without assigning any reasons thereof, no further correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

12) Candidates are advised to keep checking website of this Institute for any change in the schedule, and/ or any other information.

Note: Candidates who are attending to the Walk-in-Interview / Personal discussion at ICMR-NITM, Belagavi, should ensure in maintaining social distance  and compulsory wearing of mask.