Thursday 1 April 2021

Recruitment of various post in WALK IN INTERVIEW


Applications,    as  per  the  details  given  below  are  invited  for  filling  up  of  temporary positions    of  Project    Associate(Level-II),      Senior   Project    Fellow,   Junior    Research    Fellows,   Junior    Project Fellows   and     Project    Assistants    under  different   PLAN   &  EAP  and  being  implemented    in  this  institute.     The positions   to  be  filled   up  will   be  purely   on  temporary    basis   co-terminus    with  the  projects.      The  temporary engagements    are  only  project   related,   and  will   in  no  way  confer   any  entitlement    for  claiming   a  permanent post/appointment    in the Institute.

Candidates  are to deposit their  application  forms/  C.V.latest by 07-04-2021 (giving details of Name, Date of birth,  Father's  Name, Permanent  & Current  Address,  Educational  qualification from  High School!  Higher Secondary  onwards  with  the  name  of Institution,  Year of Passing, Marks  obtained,   Medium  of  study   and  field  experience,   with   one  passport   size  colour photograph  affixed on it). They are also requested  to attach self-attested  photocopies  of all the testimonials   along  with  the  application.    The  original  mark-sheets,   certificates,  experience certificates  etc are also requited  to be verified on the day of interview  or in due course of time.
The initial appointments   will be for one year in case of above Projects  and the period  will be extended  further  subject to the performance  of the candidate  under the respective  project.
Proficiency of the  candidate  in computer  application  especially  MS Word, Excel, Power  Point etc, may be of added benefit to the candidate.
Candidate  should be medically fit to work in different areas  of the state  including high altitude zones.
All the  interested   candidates   and  having  required/    essential  educational   qualification  may attend  walk-in-interview   on 12-04-2021 starting  at 10.30 AM in the  institute.
Applications   for   each   of  the   position   are   to  be  submitted    separately    otherwise    their candidature  is liable to be rejected.
Age in  case  of JRF/JPF should  not  exceed  28  years  as  on  01st   June  of the  year.  Further relaxation  of 5 years  in age to SC/ST/OBC/ Woman & physically handicapped   candidates  will be given as per approved  rules.