Tuesday, 2 March 2021



Applications from eligible candidates are hereby invited for the recruitment of following posts in the Cantonment Board Belgaum. The application format, terms and conditions can be obtained from the office website: https://belgaum.cantt.gov.in/recruitment or Office Notice Board. The Last date of Receipt of application is on 19-03-2021.

Note: Candidates must possess the required Minimum Education Qualification on Regular basis from the Recognized University.


1.          Last date of Receipt of application: 19-03-2021.

2. Application complete in all respect, as per prescribed format given here-in-after and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Cantonment Board, BC No.41, Khanapur Road, Camp, Belagavi-590001 (Karnataka State) by Registered  / Speed Post. Postal delay will not be accepted.

3. Upper age limit is applicable as on the last date of receipt of application and  the lower age limit is 18 years.

4. The candidates  applying  under OBC category  are  required  to  enclose  OBC certificate issued for appointments under the Government of India in the prescribed format failing which the application will be rejected.


5. The candidates applying under SC/ST category are required to enclose SC/ST certificate issued by the Competent Authority.

6.        Physically handicapped candidates shall attach proof of physical disability (certificate from recognized authority). The upper age limit prescribed will be relaxed for physically handicapped category as per existing rules for the posts mentioned at Sl.No.4, 5 & 6. Physically handicapped candidates are not eligible for the posts mentioned at Sl.No.1, 2 & 3.

7.         The candidates shall be held responsible for correctness of all information given by him/her and in case of any information / documents found to be incorrect at a later stage, action shall be taken against the candidates including dismissal from service & also filing legal proceedings as per prevailing law.

8.         No request for change of any entries or part, originally indicated in the application form shall be entertained.

9.         Applicant  should  enclose (i) self  attested  photocopies  of certificates  of  proof of  age,  caste, qualification, experience if any (ii) two latest passport size photographs (one photo to be pasted on the application and other to be attached with the application indicated his/her name on back side). (iii) Self addressed postcard & envelope. The candidates should mention post name on the envelope.

10.       All the service rules applicable to Cantonment Fund Servants under the provisions of Cantonment Fund Servants Rules, 1937 as amended from time to time and Govt. instructions issued from time to time shall apply.

11.       No correspondence in regard to the appointment will be entertained and No representation on any ground for non appearance for the exam etc., by the candidates will be entertained and his / her candidature  will  not  be  considered  in  such  an  eventuality.  Canvassing  in  any  form  for appointment will be treated as disqualification.

12.       Persons  already  employed  should  sent  applications  through  proper  channel.  Age  relaxation applicable as per Govt. rules.

13.       The candidate should not have been convicted by any Court of Law and any dispute relating to above Employment Notification should be dealt within Belgaum Jurisdiction.

14.       Application should accompany a Demand Draft of Rs.300/- as a processing fee drawn in favour of the “Chief Executive Officer, Cantonment Board, Belgaum”, payable at Belgaum from Nationalised Bank only which is not refundable. The applicants belonging to SC / ST / Physically  Disable  Category  are  exempted  from  paying  the  processing  fee  which  is applicable only for posts Reserved for SC/ST/Physical handicapped categories.

15.       Incomplete / unsigned / without Demand Draft (DD) / late received applications shall be summarily   rejected   and   DD   will   not   be   returned/refunded.   Similarly,   submitted applications alongwith documents will not be returned.

16.       TA/DA will not be admissible for attending test and selected candidates will have to make their own arrangement of stay at Belgaum, if required.

17. The Chief Executive Officer reserves the right to conduct recruitment process in full or part without assigning any reason whatsoever and decision of appointing authority would be final, with regard to all matters connected with the recruitment.

18.       The examination pattern will be mentioned in the Hall Ticket, which will be issued to the eligible candidates after scrutiny of received applications.

Sd/- No.13/ADM/67/1612                                                                                   Chief Executive Officer Office of the Cantonment Board,                                                              Cantonment Board, Belgaum Belgaum-590001, dt. 15th Feb 2021                                                                   (Barchaswa)