Saturday, 6 March 2021

Recruitment of various post in GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM





Dated: Guwahati, the xxxxx February, 2021.

In pursuance  of approval of the Government vide letter No. VFV.243/2019/466 dated  22

December, 2021 

ONLINE APPLICATIONS are invited  from the  intending  eligible candidates  who are Citizens  of India  having registration number in Employment Exchange in the State of Assam, against the vacancies as indicated below under the Directorate of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department, Assam.

A. Name of post: Grade IV, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department, Assam

Nos. of post-- 507 Nos.

*** Social Welfare Department, Assam has already initiated separate recruitment process for recruitment of 47 numbers of PWD candidates against 47 numbers of vacant posts of Grade-IV in this Department of A.H. & Veterinary Department.

** Number of post may vary at the time of final selection.

B. Scale of Pay: Rs. 12,000 to Rs. 52,000 + Grade pay 3,900/- in Pay Band 1

C. Eligibility Criteria:

1. Candidates must be citizen of India within meaning of Article 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India and must be a permanent  resident of Assam.

2. Candidates  must produce  Registration  Certificate  of Employment  Exchange  (having validity)  in the State of Assam along with the application form.

3.    Candidates must have knowledge of local language of Assam.

D. Educational Qualification:

1. A  candidate  should  be  Class VIII passed from any recognized  Educational  Institutes  and  the candidate must produce the Certificate of VIII pass from the School Authority they had attended with due Seal and Signature of the authority.

E. Age:

A  candidate must  not  be less than  18 years of age and  not  more  that  40 years for un-reserved category, 43 years for OBC/MOBXC and 45 years for SC/ST (P)/ST(H) as on 01/01/2021  as per Govt. Office Memorandum  vide No. ABP.6/2016/51,dated 02/09/2020.  This relaxation shall be applicable only to those candidates who have attained the necessary educational or other qualification prior to crossing of their existing upper age limit of 40 years. Documents like Horoscope affidavit shall not be accepted as proof of age.

F. How to apply:- 

1. The  Candidates  having the  required  essential  qualification  for the  post  of Grade-IV  may apply  by submitting  PRESCRIBED   ONLINE  APPLICATION  FORM   through   the   official website ( The link will be available from xxxxx Hrs of xxxxxx February, 2021. The prescribed applications will have to be duly filled up and submitted along with scanned copy of required documents.

2. Before applying online, candidates are advised to go through carefully the instructions provided in the above website.

3.  No MANUAL Application FORM will be accepted.

4.    Last date of Online Application:

Closing Date for Online Application Submission is 23.59 hours of xxxxx March, 2021.

5. The  eligible  candidates  can  download  Admit  Card/Call  Letter  from  the  Department’s  website- “”. Incomplete Forms shall be rejected.

6.    The undersigned shall not be responsible for any delay due to server problem etc.

7.    Candidates are required to upload:

(i)             A latest passport photograph of standard 4.5 X 3.5 cm not exceeding 100 kb.

(ii)           For  candidates  who  have  not  appeared   in  HSLC  or  equivalent  examination,  the  birth certificate issued by School or other  Competent Authority will be accepted.  Horoscope or Affidavit In regard to age will not be accepted.

(iii)          And for candidates appearing HSLC and above, age of proof shall have to be supported  by admit card or Pass Certificate of HSLC or equivalent examination.

(iv)          Educational Qualification Certificate.

(v)         Scanned Signature (within 3.5 cm X 2.5 cm)

(vi)           Valid Registration Certificate of Employment Exchange within the State of Assam.

(vii)         Declaration in Form-A related to  the  Assam Public Services (Application of Small Family norms in Direct Recruitment  Rules, 2019 published vide Notification No. ABP.69/2019/17

dated  Dispur the  6

Nov/2019. Candidates  may download  the  specimen  copy of Form-A 

from --“”.

(viii)        Copy  of EWS  certificate issued by Competent Authority.   EWS  candidates must produce Income & Assets Certificate of the family issued by the Officer not below the rank of Circle Officer as per  provision of Para 5 of Govt. OM No.ABP 07/2019/4,dated 10/04/2019, kindly refer to the  Govt. OM No.ABP.07/2019/16  dated  31/12/2019.  Candidates  may download the specimen copy of EWS certificate from -“”.

(ix)          Caste Certificate ( In case of Reserved category candidates)

N.B. * Scan Image of Photograph.

(i) Scan image of recent colour photograph with white background . (ii) The photograph must be on a standard 4.5 X 3.5 cm print.

(iii) The photograph must be in JPEG/JPG format and size should not exceed more than 100

  * Scan Image of Signature

(i)            Signature should be put with black or dark blue on a white paper. (ii)           Only JPEG/JPG format will be accepted.

(iii)         Dimension  of signature should be 3.5 cm (width) X 2.5cm (height) (iv)          The maximum file size should not exceed 100 KB

G. Documents/ Certificates to be produced:

1. The candidates shall have to produce original copy of IDENTITY PROOF like PAN Card/ Driving  License/Passport/Current  ID  Card  issued  by Educational  Institution/Voter  ID Card/AADHAAR  Card  (any one) along  with  Calling  Letter/Admit  Card  at  the  time  of WRITTEN TEST. 

2. The candidate who will qualify in the written examination shall have to produce original testimonials along with a set of self attested photocopies for verification at the specified venue, date of which will be declared in due course of time.

H. Selection Process:

1. The first Merit List will be prepared on the marks scored on OMR based written examination (Reasoning, Numerical Ability, History with special reference  to Assam, Geography, English, General  Knowledge: 100 marks of 2 hours duration.

2. There will be ONE merit list for the post category wise i.e. unreserved, OBC/MOBC, SC, ST(P), ST(H) & EWS separately  for male  and female  as per vacancies  for different  posts for the entire State.

3.The select list shall be published in two widely circulated news papers and website of the



(i) There will be ¼ (one fourth) negative mark for each wrong answer.

(ii) In case of a tie in marks, the candidates older in age will be placed higher in the  merit list.

Further, candidates having same date of birth and have obtained equal marks, the candidate scoring higher marks in the minimum essential qualification for the post will be placed higher in the merit list. In case after following up the methods above for tie/date of birth etc. any other issue arises, the Committee of the Directorate shall decide judiciously /as per norms.

Points to be noted:

1.     Pension Scheme  : Govt. Servants  joining  the  service  of the  State  Govt. on  or  after  1

February,2005 will be governed by a new set of pension rules formulated in the line with the contributory  pension  scheme  announced  by the  Govt. of India vide Finance Department Circular No. BW3/2003/pt-I/1, dated 25/01/2005.  An undertaking shall have to be executed at the time of appointment.

2. The candidates before applying for the post(s)/ service(s) should ensure that  they fulfill all the  eligibility conditions. Their admission at  all the  stages  of selection in which they  are admitted by the Directorate of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department,  Assam will be purely provisional and  under  scrutiny, subject  to  their satisfying the  prescribed  eligibility conditions. If on verification at any time or any stage before or after the written test,  it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions; their candidature for the post will be cancelled by the authority.

3. At  any stage  of the  selection  process,  no  candidate  shall be  allowed  to  change  his/her category (of caste etc) sub categories as claimed by him/her in the original application form.

4. The candidates who furnished wrong, erroneous or incorrect information in their application form may be disqualified from appearing for the post.

5.     No TA/DA shall be provided to the candidates for appearing the selection process.

6. The selection list confers no right to appointment unless the department is satisfied about suitability of the candidate after a thorough enquiry and verification as may be considered necessary before appointment to the  Service/ post :

7.     On appointment, the candidate shall be governed by the  existing Rules and Orders of the

Government issued from time to time.

8. The final appointment after selection is subject to satisfactory Police Verification Report as per existing norms. In case Police Verification Report is found unsatisfactory, the candidature of such candidates will be rejected outright.

9.     The Candidates selected shall be appointed subject to receipt of Medical Fitness Certificate.

10.   Canvassing directly or indirectly will be deemed to be appropriate  ground for disqualification of the candidature. 

11.   The Director, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary, Assam reserve the right to accept, modify or cancel the  advertisement and  to  cancel or postpone  written  test  without assigning  any reason thereof.

12.   Candidates applying for the above posts must possess the prescribed minimum qualification mentioned above.

13.   Incomplete and wrongly filled application form will be rejected and no appeal or correction in that regard shall be entertained.

14.   The Directorate does not enter  into correspondence  with the candidates about reasons for their non-selection for test/appointment.

15.   The examination will be held at the Centers decided by the Department later on.

16.   The venue for OMR based written examination will be notified in due course of time through website -“”/ Newspapers.

17.   Merely appearing for written test does not confer any right to claim for appointment.

18.   For  any  corrigendum/changes   related  to  this  recruitment  process,  one  may  visit  the

Directorate website:


A.H.  & Veterinary, Department, Assam

Chenikuthi, Guwahati-3