F,No,1-8/Estl/RD/PRls/20 181 1()'1 Dated the I () March 2021
Online applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of Extension Officer and Panchayat Secretaries 10 the Pay Scale of Rs.29200•
92300 Level-S us per the 71h CPC in the Department of Rural Development, Panchayati Raj Institution, A & N Administration. Application II: '. olete shape in all respect should be submitted ONLINE from 15.03.2021 at
10:00 AMto 14.04.2021 at 12.00 midnight of closing date.
2. Vacancies/Reservations:-
NOTE-I: The post is suitable for Physically Challenged Persons viz. One leg affected (OL), One arm affected (OA), One arm and One leg affected (OAL), both leg affected (BL)
NOTE-II: Only those candidates of A & N islands who belongs to OBC
category 10 terms of the A & N Administration's Notification No.
343/2005/F.No.8.3/2003-TW dated.16-12-2005 and subsequent Circular No.8.3/2003-TW / 295 dated 26•04-2006 are eligible to apply against vacancies reserved for OBCs. The candidates should furnish OBC certificate duly issued by the Revenue Authorities concerned of A & N Admn. in terms of
respect of male/female candidates respecuvely as on the last dale of submission of online npplication.
(Age limit is Relaxabte up to 3 years for OBC candidates and up to 10 years fOT PwD candidates. The departmental candidates up to the age of 40 years with three yealS CO/HI/WOllsService ill the Gout. 111 the same line or allied cadre can apply for the post in accordance with the rules, instructions & orders ISSued by
Gout. of lndia.]
NOTE-I: Age relaxation for other candidates falling under Vertical and
Horizontal category of reservation shall be allowed as P"T GOI's Orders.
NOTE-II : As per Andaman & Nicobar Administration's Circular Order No
45 96-PW dated 06.06.200 I where the candidate has been working on ad hoc/contract basis for some years and was not over aged for regular appointment when h<. 'she was initially appointed on ad-hoc/contract baSIS, in such case relaxauon of age is admissible to the extent of total penod of service spent continuously without any break. Further. as per Circular No.
45/1998-PW dated 19.09.2011 in the case ofSSCT/DRM/Ad-hoc/contractual workers the total period spent in each of the departments of Andaman & Nicobar Administration shall be counted irrespective of the department where they arc applying for regular appointment, provided the post IS general in nature and it doesn't require any specific technical qualification, subject to primary condition that at the time of their initial engagement as SSCT/ad hoc/contract/DRM, these employees were not over-aged. The candidates covered under the said circulars are also allowed to apply.
5. Scheme of the Examination The subjects for the written examination, the time allowed and maximum marks for each subject will be as follows:
Eligible candidates shall have to compete in a written examination conducted by the Department/Administration. Preference must be declared by the candidates for the above two posts while filling online application. Preference once opted cannot be changed at any stage. Qualified candidates in the written examination shall be short-listed on merit as per the preference opted. The scheme of the written examination for the above posts shall be as
Question Paper
NOTE.I: Que lion \\111 be multiple choice objcctlv types only I he qucsuon
pnp I \\1\1 he compnsmg of four p rt nnmcly, Par! A . I!lngllsh Language, Pal t B (I( ncral Awareness, Pnrt C 'I C I or R n onlng ond Part 0 Numerical
NOTE•II: There \\ 111be negat rvc marking of 25% for each wrong answer,
rnennmg thercb 0.25 marks Will be deducted for each wrong an wcr.
NOTE•III: Candidates WIll be provided OMR Sheets 111 the Examination Hall and mforrnation sought therein WIll hove to be furnished by the candidates as per the instructions.
NOTE•IV: Candidates should bring their own Boll pornt pen in the
Examination Hall.
NOTE-V: Candidates must write the papery indicate the answers in their own hand and no scribe will be provided under any circumstances.
NOTE-VI: The qualifying marks for each paper shall be as under:

NOTE-VII: Candidates are not permitted to use calculator or any other electronic gadgets for answering objective type questions and therefore, they should not bring the same in the examination hall. If any candidates is found
~. to possess mobile phone or any other means of wireless communication in the
working or switched off mode, his/her candidature shall be cancelled forthwith.
NOTE-VIU: Issuance of Admit Card to the candidates is only for appearing in the examination and will not confer upon them any right for appointment. The selection of candidates shall be done purely on merit and their appointment will be subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria viz. educational qualification,
category certificates, age criteria, etc.
SyUabus: Paper-I:
Part-A - English Langua~ : Questions i .
recognition, fill in the bl k . n the test will be based on error
vccebuta-c spelling an s (usmg verbs, prepositions, articles etc.)
-J' , sequence of sentence .
in a sentence doze s In a paragraph, sequence of words
antonyms will' be kP:~sage and comprehension passage etc. synonyms and
. as e an the context of the given passage.
Part-B - General Aware . Q '.
k ness. uestroris in this test will aim at measuring
n~wledg(' of currenr events beSides knowledge of General Science / Social
SCience and their ap li ti I . .
. pica Ion to t 1C society. This test will also include
ques~ons o~ sports, culture, history, geogrnphy, general polity etc. These
q~e~t1~ns will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline. Test of Reasoning: The test will include questions on analogies,
~lmllanltel) and ctifTerences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, Judgement, decision making, VISUal memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series, etc. The test \\;11also include questions designed to test the candidates abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computations and other analytical functions.
Part-D- Numerical Aptitude: The questions will be designed to test the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the candidate. The scope of the test will be the computation of whole numbers, decimals and fractions and relationships between numbers. It will test sense of order among numbers, ability to translate from one name to another, sense or order of magnitude, estimation or prediction of the outcome of computation, selection of an appropriate operation for the solution of real life problems and knowledge of alternative computation procedures to find answers. The questions would also be based on arithmetical concepts and relationship between numbers and not on complicated anthmetical computation.
6. Selection of candidates: Final selection for appointment of candidates to the post of Extension Officer and Panchayat Secretary will be done on the basis of merit list of each post which shall be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate subject to the condition that candidate must score minimum qualifying marks.
NOTE-I:In the event of any of the two or more candidates gets equal marks in the final merit, it will be resolved by date of birth, giving preference to older candidates over the candidate who is younger in age.
NOTE-U: In the event of conditions in Note I above also results in tie, then the tie will resolved by selecting the candidates as per the appearance of alphabetical order in the first names of the candidates, giving preference to 'a' over 'b', to 'b' over 'c' and so on.
NOTE-m: Success in the examination confers no right of appointment unless Government IS satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects of appointment to the service/post. The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination. Their admission at all
stages of the examination will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If, on verificnlion, at any time before or after the wnltcn cxnrninntion, it is found that thcy do not fulfill any of the eligibility contillions, their candidature for the cxnminntion will be cancelled.
NOTE IV Candldatcs selected for appoint ment ore Iinble to serve anywhere in
Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
7. Proba!,ion Period: Probation period shall be of two years.
8. H9W to Apply:
The Directorate of RD, PRIs & ULBs Morine Hill Andarnan & Nicobar
Administr a tiIon
had Iinvi.ted applicati.o' n for the post of 'E. xtension Officer and
Panchayat Secrctary vide Vacancy Notice dated 1206.2018 duly amended vide
Notice dated 21.11 2019.
PW As per Andaman & Nicobar Administration's Circular Order No. 45/96 dated 06.06.2001 where the candidate has been working on ad
hoc/contract basis for some years and was not over aged for regular appointment when he/she was initially appointed on ad hoc/contract basis, in such case relaxation of age is admissible to the extent of total period of service spent continuously without any break Further, as per Circular No. 45/1998- PW dated 19.092011 in the case of SSCT/DRM/Ad-hoc/contractual workers the total period spent in each of the departments of Andaman & Nicobar Administration shall be counted irrespective of the department where they are applying for regular appointment, provided the post is genera) in nature and it doesn't require any specific technical quahfication.
Even though, the aforementioned circulars were applicable for the candidates applying for the post of Extension Officer and Panchayat Secretary against the aforementioned Vacancy notice dated 12.06.2018 duty amended vide Notice dated 21.11.2019, it was not explicitly mentioned in the Vacancy Notice about its application which might have precluded some of the eligible candidates from applying for the above post. Now the Vacancy notice has been revised. Therefore, those who are covered under the said circulars and have not applied earlier may apply now. Further, vide DoP&T's OM No.
36039/1/20 19-Estt(Res) dated 31.01.2019, 10% of the vacancy is to be filled by the candidates belonging to Economically Weaker Sections.
Therefore, now it has been decided to give an opportunity to all those who are eligible for recruitment to the post of Extension Officer and Panchayat Secretary and who have not applied against the earlier vacancy notice, to apply for the post of Extension Officer and Panchayat Secretary. The cut-off date for eligibility criteria for fresh applicants shall be reckoned as on dated
14.04.2021 i.e. the last date for submission of online application.
The candidates who have already applied for the said post in response to
vacancy no 0•ce
dated 12.062.018 and revised Notice dated 25.11.2019
ublished in the Daily Telegrams may not apply again. However, :hose
~andidates who had earlier applied and n~w ~~lling under Econor_I11c~l1y k S ti may edit their category in their initially subrruued application
Wea er ~c °thneirapplication with the help of their Application No. and DoB.

(xilTaktng away the Question Booklet/ Answer Sheet t h
e tarninat 1 II' \\ It 1 irn from the
Ion 1B , 01' ~Hssmg It on to unnulhonzed persons durin the
conduct of the cxammntinu, or g
(XII) Harassing. or doing bodily hurm 10 the staf] employed by the
Adrniuistration for the conduct of these cxarmnauon, Of
(xiu) Vlol.atlon of any of the iustrucf ions issued to cundidates along with their
AdmISSIonCertificates permitting them to lnke examination or
[xiv]Attempting to commit, Ot as lhe case may be abetting the commission of all or any of the acts specified In the foregoing clauses, may, In addition to rendering himself liable to criminal prosecution, will be Iinble.-
la) to be cUaqualified by the Administration from the examination for which he IS a candidate as also from any other examination/selection of the Administration in which he/she might have appeared but the final result selection has not yet been declared/made, and/or
[b] to be debarred either permanently or for a specified period which may extend up to 10 years»
(i) by the Administration from any examination or selection held by them;
[ii] by the Andaman and Nicobar Administration/Central Government from any employment under them; and
[c] to disciplinary action under appropriate rules if he is already in service
under Government, or
(d) to any other appropriate legal action.
10. Invalid application:
The applications having any of the followingdeficiencies or irregularities will be summarily rejected (the List is only illustrative & not exhaustivel•
(i) Under aged/over aged candidates.
(ii)Not having the requisite Educational Qualification on the specified date.
(iii)Anyother irregularity.
11. The appointing authority to the post of Extension Officer and Panchayat Secretary reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process any time without assigning any reason thereof.
12. Any dispute in regard to this recruitment will be subject to Courts/ Tribunals having jurisdiction over A & N Islands, Port Blair.
Copy forwarded to:-
1 The Director (I.P & TI, A & N Administration, Port Blair for information and
necessary action.
2. The Chief Editor (Daily Telegram/ Dweep Samachaar) with the request to
publish the Revised Vacancy Notice (English and Hindifin the news paper in two issues for wide publicity.
3. The Executive Officer(SOVTECH),DBRAITCampus, DoIlygunj, Port Blair
with the request to upload the revised vacancy recruitment notice in the
Website of A & N Administration.
4. Notice Board.