Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Recruitment of various post in This file has been cleaned of potential threats

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 Note: All the qualifications must be from recognized Indian Universities / Boards / Institutions only. Applicants having qualifications from any other countries shall upload equivalency certificate from UGC / AIU.

1. AGE LIMIT: 40 Years for Project Scientific Officer

35 Years for Project Scientific Assistant

Age relaxation is admissible to SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/Ex-servicemen candidates as per Government of India orders.

2. PERIOD: The above   posts are purely   temporary and for a period of two years or completion of the project, whichever is earlier, which may be extended for another one-year subject to performance review. Total duration will not exceed three (03) years or completion of the project, whichever is earlier. All appointed project personnel are subject to performance review every year as per prevailing rules for extensions.


56,000/-+ HRA p.m. (Consolidated) for Project Scientific Officer. Increment of 5% after serving two years 

in CPP-IPR subject to performance review.

20,000/- + HRA p.m. (Consolidated) for Project Scientific Assistant

4. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Eligible and interested candidates may apply online through the link from 17.02.2021 to 04.03.2021 by 17:00 hrs. No other mode of application will be accepted.

The  candidates  have  to  upload the  copies  of  testimonials  in  support  of  age,  education  qualifications (starting from 10th Standard), caste, PwBD, working experience etc. Applications without valid certificates, qualification criteria or incomplete in nature will be summarily rejected.

5. SELECTION PROCESS: The applications received in response to the advertisement shall be scrutinized and only candidates shortlisted from valid applicants on the basis of all criteria like age, educational qualifications, category etc. shall be called for written exam or / and interview as applicable. Final selection will be through written exam and / or interview as applicable.

The list of names of selected candidates and date & venue for the written test and/or interview will be published at CPP-IPR website . All applicants are advised to go through the website regularly for the same.


1. Only Indian Nationals need to apply. The persons with disabilities can also apply against the unreserved quota.

2. Candidates are advised to submit only one application for a post. Submission of multiple applications for the same post may result in cancellation of older/earlier applications.

3. Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online applications before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability or failure to login to the Institute’s website.

4. In addition to consolidated remuneration, Medical facility (For Self only) under institute’s Contributory Health Service Scheme, Free Transport (Subject to availability of seats in the vehicle) and subsidized Canteen facilities are admissible for the above posts.

5. Fulfilling minimum qualification & filing online application does not entail a call for Written Test / Interview. The authorities reserve all rights, not to call an applicant for Written Test / Interview, without assigning any reason. In case of any dispute / ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the Institute shall be final.

. The Date of Birth as recorded in the Birth Certificate / Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC)/ Matriculation / Secondary School Certificate shall be the only acceptable documents in support of proof of age.

7. While  applying  the  candidates  should  mention  their  full  name  as  it  appears  on  the  Matriculation  / Secondary School Certificate. If a candidate has changed his/her name or dropped or added part of his/her name after Matriculation / Secondary School, they will have to submit an attested copy of Gazette Notification to this effect.

8. The candidates who will be called for written test or/and interview, will have to produce the uploaded testimonial/documents/ certificates (in support of age, education qualifications (starting from 10th onwards), caste, PwBD, working experience etc.) in original for verification prior commencement of the written test or/and interview. In case of inability to produce these requisite documents in original, their candidature will stand automatically cancelled.

Sd/- Acting Centre Director