Friday, 6 January 2023

Recruitment of various post in Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and

 Government  of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances  and Pensions

Department of  Personnel and Training

1.Tribunal:   - The Central Administrative  Tribunal  has been established  under the Administrative   Tribunal  Act  1985,  to  adjudicate  cases  related  to  service  matters  of persons appointed  under the Government  of India. Principal Bench of CAT is situated  at New  Delhi  and  its  other   Benches   are   situated   at  18  places   in  the   country   at Ahmedabad,    Allahabad,    Bangalore,    Chandigarh,    Madras,    Cuttack,    Ernakulam, Guwahati,  Hyderabad,  Jabalpur,  Jaipur,  Jodhpur,  Calcutta,  Lucknow,  Mumbai,  Patna, Jammu and Srinagar. A Member, upon selection,  may be posted to any of these places.

2. Vacancy:    -  Applications   are   being   invited   for  the   following   existing   and anticipated vacancies  of Administrative  Members in CAT for the years 2022 and 2023:-

3.Qualification:-      The   qualifications,    eligibility,    salary   and   other   terms   and conditions of the appointment  of a candidate  will  be governed  by the provisions  of the Tribunal (Conditions of Service) Rules, 2021.

As per Rule 3(5)(c) of the Tribunal  (Conditions  of service)  Rules, 2021, a person shall not be qualified for appointment  as Administrative  Member, unless he has held the post of Additional  Secretary  to the  Government  of  India or any  other  post  under  the Central Government  or a State Government  and carrying the scale of pay which  is not less than that of an Additional  Secretary to the Government  of India:

Provided that the officers  belonging to the All-India  Services who were or are on central deputation  to a lower post shall be deemed  to have held the post of Additional Secretary  from  the  date  such  officers  were  granted   proforma   promotion   or  actual promotion whichever  is earlier to the level of Additional  Secretary  and the period spent on Central deputation  after such date shall  count for qualifying  service  for the purpose of this clause.

As per proviso  under section 3(1) of the Tribunals  Reforms Act, 2021, "a person who  has  not  completed  the  age  of 50  years  as  on the  last  date  for  submission  for applications,  shall not be eligible for appointment  as a Member".

4.  Procedure   for  selection:    - The  Search-Cum-Selection   Committee  constituted under the Tribunal  Reforms Act 2021 for recommending  names for appointment  to the said posts shall scrutinize the applications with respect to suitability  of applicants for the posts by giving  due weightage  to qualification  and experience  of candidates  and shall shortlist candidates  for conducting  personal interaction.  The final selection will be done on the basis of overall evaluation  of candidates  done  by the Committee  based on the qualification,  experience and personal interaction.

5. Selection   for  re-appointment:    The Members  of Central Administrative  Tribunal shall  be  eligible  for  re-appointment   in  the  same  manner   as  that  for  the  original appointment,   preferably,   alongwith   all  the  persons   shortlisted   in  response   to  the vacancy  circular or otherwise. While  making its assessment  for suitability  to a post, the Committee  shall  give additional  weightage  to the  persons  seeking  re-appointment  for their  experience   in  the  Tribunal   and  while  doing  so,  shall  take  into  account,  the performance of the person while working as a Member in the Tribunal.

6. Application Procedure:-Applications of eligible and willing officers are requested  through  proper channel  (wherever  applicable)    and should  be accompanied with:-

(i) Bio-data in the proforma at Annexure-I;

(ii) Certificate  to be furnished  by the employer!  head of office/ forwarding  authority as in Annexure-II;

(iii) Clear  photocopies  of the up-to-date  CR!APAR  dossier  of the officer  containing
CR/APARs  of at least last five years duly attested by a Group A officer;

 (iv) Cadre clearance;

(v) Integrity   certificate/clearance    from   Vigilance   and   disciplinary    angle   as   in

(vi)Statement  giving  details  of  major  or  minor  penalties,  if any,  imposed  on  the officer during the last ten years,

Duly filled-in  (neatly typed)  original  applications  in the prescribed  format  should reach the  Secretary,  Department  of Personnel  and Training,  North  Block,  New  Delhi-
110001 latest  by 05.30 P.M. on or before  1ih January, 2023 ( Thursday) (by hand
or by speed post or registered post).

7.No   TA/DA   will   be   admissible   to   the   candidates   to   be   called   for interview/interaction.The candidates are required to make their own arrangements.

8. Advertisement and prescribed application form can be downloaded from   the websites of DoPT I CAT i.e. 

9.  Any  application  received  after due date  or incomplete  application  or application without   necessary   Annexures   as   mentioned   above   will   not   be  entertained.   This Department  will not be responsible  for the postal delay/loss  of application,  for reasons whatsoever.   It  is  therefore,   in  the  interest   of  the  applicants   to  ensure   that  their applications reach well within the closing date and time as stipulated.

10. The last date of receipt of the applications will be the crucial date for ascertaining the eligibility of the applicants

11. This  appointment   process  will  be  subject  to  outcome  of  pending  matters  in
Hon'ble Supreme Court and Hon'ble High Courts.

Wide publicity  may be given in all organizations  and their field formations  to facilitate early and optimum number of applications.

(Rishi Pal) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India (AT) Tel No. 011 2464 3352

1. Secretaries to Government  of India.
2.  Chief Secretaries of States/ UTs.
3. Joint Registrar, Central Administrative  Tribunal,  Copernicus  Marg, New
Delhi with a request to upload  this vacancy circular on CAT's website. Copy to:  NIC with request to upload  the vacancy circular on DoPT's website. 



8. Work Experience

8a. For the experience  as employee,  Employment record in chronological  order starting with present Employment,  list in reverse:

*Such as Administration  /Service matters /Judicial or Quasi-Judicial  ICriminal ICivil
!Taxation ICompany Affairs/Environmental   matters IFinance IAccountancy  IEconomics 

/Business /Commerce  /Management  /Public Affairs or any other as may be applicable. Engagement with Government,  if any, may be indicated.

9. Date from which drawing the pay scale in the grade of Additional  Secretaryl
or any equivalent  rank (wherever applicable).

10. Write up on adjudicating experience of the applicant (200 words)

[Wherever applicable]

11. Experience along with brief write up in handling:
cases before the relevant Courts/ Tribunals/

[if applicable]

12. Proof of Experience, including Enrolment/Registration  No. as an Advocate/CA  etc. [For candidates other than Govt. or Judicial

13. Annual Income along with copy of
latest ITR [For candidates from Advocate stream}

14. Write up on 05, major achievement
(200 words each)

15. Awards/honours/Publications,   if any:

16. Affiliation with the professional  bodies/ Institutions/societies/or  any other body Including political party.

17. Additional  information, if any, which:
Details of Such cases (Reported Cases/ Unreported  Cases) 

you would like to mention in support of the application for the post.


1. I certify  that  the  foregoing  information  is correct  and  complete  to the  best  of my knowledge  and belief and nothing has been concealedl  distorted.  If at any time  I found to have concealed/distorted  any material  information;  my appointment  shall be liable to summary termination without notice.

2. I shall not withdraw my candidature  after the meeting of the Selection Committee.

3. I shall not decline the appointment,  if selected for appointment  by the ACC.

4. I shall join within 30 days from the date of issue of order of appointment.

5. I am aware that in case I violate  any of the conditions  mentioned  at SI. No.2  to 4, the Government  of India is likely to debar  me for a period of three years for consideration for  appointment  outside  the  cadre  and  in any Autonomous   Body/Statutory Body/Regulatory  Body.

Place: Date:
Signature of the candidate

N.B:  Please  fill  up  all  the  points/columns   of  application.   If  any  point/column   is  not relevant,  the  same  may  be  mentioned.   Incomplete  application   is  liable  to  be rejected. 


1. Certified that the particular furnished by ShrilSmtlKum-----------------------------------------­
--------are   correct   and  he!she  possesses   educational   qualifications   and  experience mentioned  in Annexure-I.

2. It is also certified that there is no vigilance!  disciplinary  case either pending  or being contemplated  against  him!her  and vigilance  clearance  issued  by CVO  in the enclosed Annexure  (III).

3. His!her integrity is certified.

4. No major or minor penalty was imposed on Shri!SmtlKum-----------------------------------­
----------during  the last 10 years period.

5. The  up-to-date  attested  Photostate  copies  of ACR!APAR   of  last five  years  (each
Photostat copy of ACR/APAR  should be attested)  in respect of Shri/SmtlKum--------------
----------- ----------------------- --are e nclosed he rew ith.                                                .

Seal & Signature of the Cadre Controlling Authority 


(To be furnished  and signed by the evo or HOD)

1. Name of the Officer (in full)

2. Fathers name

3. Date of Birth

4. Date of Retirement

5. Date of entry into service

6. Service to which the officer belongs: including batch /year! cadre etc., wherever  applicable

7. Positions held (During ten preceding years):

8. Whether the officer has been placed on the agreed list or list of Officer of
Doubtful Integrity (if yes, details to be given)

9. Whether any allegation of misconduct Involving vigilance angle was examined against the officer during the last 10
Years and if so with what result (*)

10. Whether any punishment was awards to the officer during the last 10 years and if
so, the date of imposition and details of 

11. Is any  disciplinary!    criminal   proceedings:
or charge  sheet  pending   against   the officer  as on date  (if so, details   to be furnished,   including   reference   number,   if any of the  Commission)

12. Is any action  contemplated    against  the: Officer  as on date  (if so, details  to be furnished   (*)

(*)  If  vigilance    clearance    had   been   obtained    from   the   Commission     in  the   past,   the information   may  be provided   for the  period  thereafter.