Tuesday, 2 November 2021



(A Government of India Undertaking)

Advertisement No. BVFCL/Pers/Apprentice/811 Date:1.09.2021

Notification for engagement of Apprentices under Apprentices Act, 1961

The   Brahmaputra   Valley  Fertilizer   Corporation   Limited   (BVFCL),   a   Government   of  India Undertaking, situated in Namrup, Assam invites applications from Indian Nationals who are meeting the following qualification  & other parameters for engagement  as Apprentices  under Apprentices Act, 1961/1973 (as amended from time to time) in the Trade/Discipline mentioned below:

A.   Educational Qualification, Provisional Number of seats in Apprentice category including likely reservation shall be as follows.

The  consolidated  stipend  will  be  as  per  Apprenticeship  Rules  and  subject  to  the  periodic revision in Minimum wages as notified by State Govt.


1. The qualification prescribed shall be from a recognized Govt. Institute  as full time, regular course in relevant disciplines with minimum 50% marks in aggregate for General & OBC candidates and 45% marks in aggregate in case of SC/ST/PwBD candidates against reserved positions.

2. The   candidates   SHOULD   NOT   have   undergone   Apprenticeship   earlier   or   pursuing apprenticeship Training as per the Apprentices Act, 1961/1973 as amended from time to time. 

3. Candidates,  who had training or job experience  for a period of one year or more after the attainment of  ITI qualifications, SHALL NOT be eligible for being engaged as Technician Apprentice.

4. The applicant  for the position of Technician Apprentices  SHOULD  NOT  have completed three years after passing of the qualifying examination as on 31.03.2021.

B.   Age: Minimum 18 years and maximum 24 years as on  31.03.2021 (Relaxation by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)). Candidates belonging to PwBD categories shall be given age relaxation upto 10 years (upto 15 years for SC/ST and upto 13 years for OBC (Non- Creamy Layer) Candidates)

C.   Period of Apprenticeship Training:: 12 months

D.   Selection Methodology:

i)    All applicants must register in apprenticeship portal (www.apprenticeship.gov.in)

ii)   Selections for engagement of Apprentices would be based on the aggregate percentage of

Marks in Matriculation + ITI in respective discipline and a personal interview.

iii)  For the purpose of calculation of marks in matriculation, marks obtained by the candidates in all subjects  will be reckoned  and for the purpose  of calculation  of percentage  in ITI marks, marks mentioned in the provisional / final certificate will be reckoned.

iv)  The candidates will have to qualify Pre-employment  medical fitness as per BVFCL’s pre-

employment medical standard for being adjudged suitable for engagement.

E.   General Instructions:

i)     The Corporation shall have no obligation to offer regular employment to Apprentices during and/or after the completion of the apprenticeship period i.e. Selection as Apprentice  under the Apprentices  Act 1961, does not guarantee  employment  in the Corporation.  After completion  of training, they will be released  as per terms of the Apprentices Act.

ii)   Candidates  are advised  to carefully read  the full advertisement  for details of educational qualification and other eligibility criteria before submission of on-line application and apply online  from 25.10.2021  to 24.11.2021.  Candidates  are requested  to apply sufficiently  in advance before the closing date.

iii)  The exact date of interview shall be communicated separately. Any corrigendum/addendum etc. or updates with regard to this advertisement  shall be made available  on our website www.bvfcl.com only. Candidates are thus advised to periodically visit our above website as all future correspondence and latest information with regards to interview shall be only on our website and / or the email provided by the candidate during application process.

iv)  Cut  Off  date:  The  candidate  must  possess  the  prescribed  qualification,  age  etc.  as  on


v)  In  the  date  of  interview,  the  candidates  will  have  to  bring  all  original certificates/testimonials  together with one set of attested copies of certificates, marksheets and  other  testimonials  in  support  of  their  age,  qualifications  etc.  for  verification  and correctness of the given information.

vi)  Latest Caste certificate is to be produced by reserved category candidates in the proforma prescribed by the Govt. and issued by Competent Authority only.

vii) PwBD candidates with less than 40% of permanent disability are NOT eligible. The PwBD candidates are required to submit a Disability Certificate issued by Competent Authority as per the Persons with Disabilities (equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation)  Amended Rules, 2009, failing which their candidature as PwBD candidates will not be considered. Persons with Benchmark Disabilities must be capable of performing the task assigned to them / take instructions using suitable aids and appliances. 

viii) For  claiming  the  benefit  of  OBC  category,  the  candidate  should  submit  a  latest  caste certificate  in  the  proforma  prescribed  by Govt.  of  India,  which  would,  among  others, specifically  mention  that  the candidate  does not  belong  to  the  persons/sections  (creamy layer) as mentioned in column 3 of the schedule to the Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08.09.1993.   Candidates belonging to OBC category but falling in creamy layer are not entitled to OBC reservation benefits. Accordingly such candidates may choose to apply for the positions provided they meet  the age  criteria  applicable  to  UR  candidates  and  indicate  their  category as “UR”. BVFCL  being  a  Central  Public  Sector  Undertaking,  only  those  communities  that  are mentioned in the common list of OBC approved by Central Government shall be treated as OBC for the purpose of reservation.

ix)  Candidates  have  to  apply  for  ANY  ONE  TRADE/  DISCIPLINE  ONLY.  Candidates applying for more than one Trade/discipline  will not be considered and their applications will be summarily rejected.

x)    Candidates with qualification acquired through Distance Learning Mode or Part Time Mode or Correspondence Mode shall not be considered.

xi)  Candidates   possessing   higher   professional   qualifications   shall   NOT   be   considered.

Suppression  of  information  regarding  possession  or  pursuing  higher  qualification  shall

render a candidate ineligible for consideration at any stage of selection & termination any time during engagement.

xii) The candidature of the applicant would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of certificates/testimonials.  In case it is detected at any stage of engagement or thereafter, that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished  any incorrect  / doctored  / false,  information   / certificate / documents  or has suppressed  any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is / are detected even after engagement, his / her engagement are liable to be terminated.

xiii) Engagement of selected candidates is subject to his/her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of the Corporation. All such engagement will also be subject to all relevant Rules/policies/guidelines of the Corporation.

xiv) The decision of Management  will be final and  binding on all candidates  on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, mode of selection, cancellation of the selection process either in part or full, etc. No correspondence will be entertained  in  this  regard.  Filling  up  of  the  seats  is  solely  at  the  discretion  of  the management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for engagement, if some of these seats are not filled due to unsuitability / insufficient number of candidates.

xv) Applications that are received in any other mode/form or applied after the closing date shall not  be  considered  ‘Eligible’  and  treated  as  “Rejected”.    Canvassing  of  any  kind  shall disqualify the candidate.

xvi) Mere selection in interview or empanelment after the selection process shall not confer any right of engagement to the applicants.

xvii)  Applicants may kindly note that only such queries which are relevant to this advertisement and have not been addressed in the above advertisement shall be entertained though our e- mail:  pers@bvfcl.co.in.

F.      How to apply:

Candidates meeting the above prescribed  eligibility criteria have to apply on-line through the apprentice portal  www.apprenticeship.gov.in.