Saturday, 27 February 2021

Recruitment of various post in NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS


( An Aut o n o m o us S c i en t i fi c S o c ie t y o f M i n is t r y o f El ec t ro n ic s & I n fo r m a t i o n Te ch n o l o g y,

G ov e r n m e n t o f I n d i a )

NIT Campus PO, CALICUT - 673 601

 0495  2287266; Web:

National  Institute of Electronics and  Information Technology (NIELIT)  Calicut is a premier  organization  engaged  in Education, Training, R&D and Consultancy in the areas of Electronics, IT and ITES.  We conduct courses both in the formal (M. Tech) and  Non-formal  (PG Diplomas and  customized  courses  etc.)  sectors.    We also  conduct  online  proctored examination   and  Recruitment   Activity.  We  also  plan  to  conduct   courses   in  3D Printing/Additive  Manufacturing Technology.  We require the following staff on contract basis for conducting courses in the field of 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing   Technology/Artificial  Intelligence/Special  Manpower   Development   Program-Chip  to  System  Design (SMDP-C2SD).  Last date for submitting the application is 03.03.2021.


1.          Application should be submitted only  online through Link:

2.          Only Indian nationals are  eligible to apply.

3.          Canvassing in any  form  will be a disqualification.

4.          No interim enquiry / correspondence, whatsoever, will be entertained regarding the recruitment.

5.          Incomplete applications are  liable to be summarily rejected.

6.          NIELIT Centre Calicut reserves the  right  to fill or not  to fill the  post advertised.

7.          There will be no application fee required to be paid.

8.          Candidates with relevant experience will be preferred. However, the same may be relaxed in deserving cases.
9.          The vacancies notified are  tentative and are  subject to change.

10.        Experience is counted only for the  period after obtaining the  eligibility qualification.

11.        Applications, which are  not  in conformity with the  requirements indicated are  liable to be rejected.
13.        The Institute will have the  right  to fix criteria for screening the  applications so as to reduce the  number of candidates to be called for interview.

14.        Only  short-listed candidates will be  called for  Written Test/interview.   Mere  fulfilling  of requirements  as  laid   down  in  the   advertisement  does  not   qualify  a   candidate  for interview.

15.        No TA/DA will be provided to attend the  interview.

16.        Applicant should have a valid/Active Gmail  account for submitting application.